Brylen is now 4 months old and these days we are on somewhat of a schedule, however we are lucky enough to still be going through the sleep fighting! How do kids learn at such a young age not to enjoy sleep?
From the day we brought him home from the hospital, he has slept well... like a baby! We would put him in his bassinet and he would coo himself to sleep, wake up to eat but never cry and then sleep in until 9 or 10 each morning.
3 weeks old |
These days I really shouldn't complain. He still goes to bed fairly easy & sleeps until 8am each morning, which leaves us with time to get up, relax and still actually get stuff done. Our nights have been up and down these last few weeks. Now that I have a full on roller on my hands, he tends to wake himself up all night & when he's up, I'm up!
Our wiggle worm |
sleeping in the big bed! |
This has resulted in many nights of bed sharing with mom & dad. He sleeps like a charm when he's in our bed and like they what works! Its a win and win and although I never thought I'd ever co-sleep, it does have its perks. He sleeps so much more sound and wakes up way less and when he needs to eat, I literally do not even have to move. I love our morning snuggles & having him to hold close all night long.
brotherly love |
like father, like son |
If your reading this and you think I'm crazy for letting our little guy sleep in bed with us your not alone. Do I care? NO! HAHA If there's one thing I've learned since becoming a mother its this-DO NOT JUDGE! What works for you, may not work for someone else and viceversa. Every baby is different and you do what works for you. There are so many opinions out there and in the end its up to you to make decisions based on your baby. Every day is different and they go through these crazy phases but they also grow so fast and what works today may not work tomorrow. With that being said...will he sleep in our bed forever? NO! but for now if we need that to get some good night sleeps, then snuggle up little boy, mommy loves you!
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