
Monday, April 16, 2012

Someones Mommy

Have you ever had the chance to go through a day, knowing that same day will never, ever be the same again? Probably not! Its rare that you know something like that ahead of time and even if you did, you probably wouldn't think about it until its to late.

Well, I and tomorrow and the next day (if I even get that far). These are the last few days that I will ever be know simply as, Krista. Next Monday and every Monday for the rest of my life from this point on I will be someones mommy. That thought alone makes butterflies dance in my stomach with excitement and amazement.....someones mommy, words can not explain the feeling!

Its been a wonderful 9+ months and I have to admit I have had a more then ideal pregnancy. No morning sickness, heartburn, swelling, aching, nothing! I was able to work throughout, take 2 prenatal fitness classes a week until the end and basically live my normal life. If it wasn't for those kicks (and well, very large tummy), I sometimes would forget I even was pregnant. I feel lucky and blessed and I'm ready for part 2 of this journey to begin. I'm ready to meet my little man and show him this crazy but beautiful world.

It still shocks me that next week I won't be pregnant. Its been so long that I forget what that even feels like. To toast the end of this chapter, Ive created 2 lists-what I will miss and not miss after giving birth.

Top 5 things I will miss:
  1. Those butterfly feelings and constant kicks letting me know someone is in there
  2. Having my baby with me always (work, a pub, the shower). Places he will no longer be able to go.
  3. Holding my hands on my stomach and feeling all those movements.
  4. Listening to his heartbeat each week at the doctor.
  5. Our trips to Dairy Queen- unfortunately those go when the baby comes! :)

Top 5 things I will not miss:
  1. People's comments! I could write a "what not to say to a pregnant lady" book, seriously.
  2. Having to pee in a cup every time I go to the doctors (although I have to say, I'm kinda an expert now)
  3. Getting up 5 times a night to use the washroom!
  4. Struggling to get off the couch, roll over in bed and get outta bed! Motivation to never get out of shape!
  5. Not being able to walk for longer then 20 mins!

OMG, This picture cracks me up BUT, I can still see my feet!
41 weeks and counting!


  1. This gave me chills! It's still hard for me to believe you are going to be a mommy at any moment now but I know you are going to be the best mommy in the entire world!

  2. The start of this post brought tears to my eyes. It is the best feeling in the world to be someone's mommy! You will LOVE it!
